How to make the perfect diary/notebook with HXCP?

How to make the perfect diary/notebook with Hxcp China?HXCP is the leading supplier of the diary/notebook solutions, we offer automatic and high-efficiency machines for your needs.1.hardcover case making: HX case making machine;2.hardcover case with round corner: HX hardcover case corner rounding ma... more

CP Folding Machines have been Installed in ZHONGKE Print

So many CP folding machines have been installed in ZHONGKE Print (the print factory of China Academy of Sciences, the famous printing company in China) on March, CP folding machines' high-effiency performance have been proved by thounds of printing factories.... more

CP is the New Generation Folding Machine

CP Folding Machine now have been the most popular and best-selling folding machine in China, no wonder, since its wide variety of materials, fast make-ready times, and ease of operation make it a good fit for almost every print shop.As the new generation folding machine in the world, CP folding mach... more

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